I. Criteria:
No threshold of the 2009 Basic Competence Test (BCT), the
school enrollment is selecting from candidate students with
highest score. (Except for anyone who is interested in
Applied Science Experimental Class of Comprehensive High,
you must have the result of BCT higher than 260 score)
Please apply to us with your diploma of junior high and the
result of BCT.
II. About us:
With complete facilities and convenient accessibility, KaiNan
is located in the center of Taipei city. We regard students'
character and morality as one of our main missions; and
moreover, encourage them for further education.
I. Tuition fee
(A)Tuition fee will be the same with that in public high schools.
(B)Installment payment is applicable.
(C)Scholarship:11 different types of scholarships are available for application.
II. Academic performance (education and expertise)
(A)Expertise: counseling vocational students to obtain at least three licenses: two Bureau of employment and vocational training professional certification (B and C level),one English related certificates; and wide range of skill certificates.
III. Management (emphasizing on life management and moral education)
(A) Hair rules: appropriate management with scheduled and unscheduled inspections.
(B) Dress Code: an appropriate requirement to students' dignified temperament.